A Non-profit organization dedicated to providing
Underwater Stress Reduction and Relaxation
to Active Duty Military, Veterans, and First Responders
Heroes Below is not just a non-profit organization that provides underwater stress reduction and relaxation to Active Duty Military, Veterans, and First Responders in Central Texas; it is also a place to learn new skills, find camaraderie, healing, challenge, and excitement.
Through the experience of donning scuba equipment and going beneath the surface of the water, participants can experience a new world; one that offers new perspectives. The simplicity of the Heroes Below program is that you don't need to know how to swim because all we do is float.
Studies have confirmed that recreational diving appears to be greater than the practice of other sports in reducing stress and improving well-being. SCUBA has also been found to restore neurological and psychological function in paraplegics. The most striking impact was seen in PTSD symptoms, which decreased by 80 percent.

Journal Articles & Research :
Recreational Diving Practice for Stress Management: An Exploratory Trial
SCUBA Restores Neurological and Psychological Function in Paraplegics
Reducing Veterans’ Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Posttraumatic Stress, and Enhancing Engagement in Occupations with SCUBA Diving and Occupational Therapy